Sunday, February 27, 2011

How to made a payment??

you must confirm with us on what the item that you want to buy before making a payment.
you can do through send e-mail or contact with us.
as soon we acknowledge, you can make the payment. 
you may keep the transaction receipt as you proof.
once confirm, we will delivered as soon as possible.

Kerepek Ubi Pedas

Kerepek Ubi Pedas
500g : RM 6.00

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Blogger!!

WeLcOmE to OuR BloG

We are the Meezul Groupie.

  We sell various type of item that you can have in our Blog!!
we have 5 group members which is

Wan Ahmad
Najmuddin (K)

stay update to our blog for information about our product.
Do not worry, we do not deceive you.
"satisfaction guaranteed"!!! :)